
Coding Crafts

Yoga Joint A Shift Mobile Application

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Yoga Joint Brief Introduction

Yoga Joint, a distinguished fitness studio deeply rooted in Florida with a significant footprint across nine locations, embarked on a strategic collaboration. The core objectives were to breathe new life into the studio’s online representation and introduce the transformative SHIFT mobile application. This visionary initiative aimed to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technologies, refine operational processes, and embrace a holistic perspective on health and fitness.

The project stands as a testament to Yoga Joint’s dedication to evolving its digital presence and providing an elevated experience for its community. By delving into this initiative, Yoga Joint sought to not only redefine its online identity but also establish a platform that resonates with the health-conscious individuals that make up its vibrant community across Florida.

Yoga Joint
Yoga Joint’s Inspiring Journey of Digital Transformation and Holistic Fitness Integration with the SHIFT Mobile Application.

Challenges Faced Throughout the Project:

Building an awesome mobile app comes with its own set of challenges. Let’s talk about four big hurdles we faced and conquered to make our app the best it can be!

  • Server Scaling: Adapting to increased user demand and maintaining server performance and reliability.
  • App Testing: Ensuring a bug-free, high-quality user experience across platforms and devices.
  • Release Control and Updates via CodePush: Deploying updates seamlessly and efficiently without requiring full app downloads.
  • Error Monitoring and Reporting Using Sentry: Identifying and addressing errors in real-time to enhance app stability.

The Solutions that address the Challenges:

Facing challenges is part of the journey, but overcoming them makes our app even better! Here’s how we tackled the four big challenges to keep things running smoothly for you:

  • Server Scaling: Implemented dynamic infrastructure with load balancing and auto-scaling to maintain high performance during increased user activity.
  • App Testing: Conducted comprehensive testing across platforms and devices, utilizing automated scripts and real user testing to ensure a smooth, bug-free experience.
  • Release Control and Updates via CodePush: Integrated CodePush for seamless updates, allowing rapid deployment of features and fixes without requiring complete app downloads.
  • Error Monitoring and Reporting Using Sentry: Utilized Sentry for real-time error tracking, enabling prompt identification and resolution of issues to enhance app stability.

Technologies Used:

  • Frontend: React, React Native, AntD
  • Backend: Node.js, Firebase, Posgress, Sequelize
  • Infrastructure: Ngrok, Caddy, PM2, AWS (S3, CodePipeline, Cloud Formation, EC2)
  • Release: Heroku, Appcenter, CodePush
  • Version Control: GitHub

The Final Product:

Enhanced Web Presence: A modern, visually appealing website reflecting Yoga Joint’s brand evolution. Streamlined navigation for an improved user experience. Increased online visibility, contributing to a broader reach.

Comprehensive Mobile App – SHIFT: Cross-platform availability, with dedicated apps for iPhone and Android users. Seamless class scheduling, certifications, and workshop management. Simplified membership tracking and transaction viewing for enhanced user engagement.

Effective Business Opportunity Presentation: Increased investor interest and engagement with a compelling presentation. Clear communication of Yoga Joint’s impactful operations and business model. Strengthened the foundation for potential partnerships and growth opportunities.

Integrated Retreats Platform: Effortless exploration and booking of Yoga Joint retreats. Expanded offerings, providing users with transformative wellness experiences. Enhanced user engagement and satisfaction through integrated features.

SHIFT App Promotion Success: Substantial increase in app downloads and user registrations. Heightened awareness and adoption of SHIFT, fostering a vibrant community. Successful promotion strategies contributing to the app’s cult following.

The collaborative efforts between Yoga Joint and Coding Crafts have not only met but exceeded expectations, creating a digital ecosystem that enhances user experiences, fosters community engagement, and positions Yoga Joint as a leader in the health and wellness industry. Offering not only physical fitness but also a digital ecosystem that enriches user experiences, fosters community engagement, and positions Yoga Joint as a leader in the health and wellness industry.

Yoga Joint Portfolio
Yoga Joint Portfolio
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“Coding Crafts has been involved in the development of a number of our consumer-facing websites and mobile applications. We’ve appreciated the level of Coding Crafts’s expertise, responsiveness and attention to details.”

Bernie Zarco - YogaJoint
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